Lavender and Green Bouquet


This painting was done from life with a more illustrative style, featuring vivid colors, a variety of textures, and itty bitty brushstrokes. It’s full of charm and an adorable character. This piece is an 11x14 gouache on archival canvas paper, unframed. Flowers featured are African lilies, roses, stock, and carnations.

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This painting was done from life with a more illustrative style, featuring vivid colors, a variety of textures, and itty bitty brushstrokes. It’s full of charm and an adorable character. This piece is an 11x14 gouache on archival canvas paper, unframed. Flowers featured are African lilies, roses, stock, and carnations.

This painting was done from life with a more illustrative style, featuring vivid colors, a variety of textures, and itty bitty brushstrokes. It’s full of charm and an adorable character. This piece is an 11x14 gouache on archival canvas paper, unframed. Flowers featured are African lilies, roses, stock, and carnations.

Late Summer Monarch
A Dozen Roses
Impression of Waterlilies
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Peach Daisy Bouquet
Queen Anne in the Garden
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